Rastverdota Admin replied

293 weeks ago

The Dresden Files 720p

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a5c7b9f00b A Chicago-based wizard worksa private investigator.
The Dresden Files is one of the best series I have seen in a long time. The characters are intelligent and human. It was easy to related to them. It was refreshing having a series that made good use of the plot and the interaction of the characters instead of 4-leter words and excessive violence.<br/><br/>I discovered the books after I saw the series. I thought they did a marvelous job adapting the books for television. They kept the most important aspects of the characters intact. I prefer the TV Morgan, they added more depth to his relationship with Dresden. They were just beginning to develop the characters when the series was cancelled. By the end of the first season the characters were growing more like their counterparts in the books.<br/><br/>As I read the books it was easy to visualize the actorsthe characters, it made the stories more real for me.<br/><br/>I was actually surprised how closely the characters on TV matched the ones in the books. I have seen several TV series and movies taken from books and this is one of the few that successfully made the transition.<br/><br/>Hopefully another network will pick up the series or it will be developed for movies.
Notice how most of the negative comments are from people who absolutely love the books (to a fault)…they just don't seem to understand that books rarely translate well to TV. Sure, there are lots of criticisms about the show (I for one don't know if I like the hockey stick, but the actors are great, and for the most part the personalities of the characters capture the essence of the books), but most of the complaints concerning the show are really based off of disappointment about the show not being more closely related to every little nitpicking detail in the books. Don't listen to the negative comments and let it turn you off; give the show a try, keep an open mind, and then make a judgment.<br/><br/>This type of thing happens every time a book gets translated to TV…the book purists howl with frustration at the changes, letting their anger and disappointment get in the way of an objective judgment.<br/><br/>The actors are really doing a good job, and the fact that Jim Butcher himself approved and seems to like the changes should tell you that the series is not that far off the path of the books. Also, for a Sci-Fi channel production, it has pretty good special effects…not the best mind you, but pretty dang good.<br/><br/>I think this show is great, and I hope it continues. Do yourself a favor and check it out. If you aren't too hung up on the books the tiny details in them you will probably like the show.

From the horse's mouth, during pre-production of the series:<br/><br/>"I'm consulting, but it's informal and largely based on the fact that Robert is a decent and friendly guy. He's sent me scripts, a copy of the series bible, and I've given him feedback and seen changes made based upon it, which was (I thought) undeniably gentlemanly (and intelligent, of course) of him.<br/><br/>"I like what I've seen.<br/><br/>"That said, Robert isn't working in a vaccuum, and if I don't get absolutely everything I want in the show, neither does he. The differences, however, are generally minor and cosmetic. Some of them are just smart, and if I'd known more about writing when I was putting the books together, I probably would have used them. That's the advantage he has approaching thisa savvy screenwriter and producer, whereas I was an unpublished wannabe.<br/><br/>"I like where the show is (currently) going, and I've been called by the studio to see if I'd be willing to work with the writers a little more. I am (provided I don't get too much more work pressure, ugh). We'll see if I actually go out and talk with them, read scripts, what have you. I'd love to help. I'll also understand if they don't want the novelist-creator cramping professional scriptwriters' styles and making their jobs harder.<br/><br/>"It's out of my control, although arguably I'm not utterly unable to influence matters, and I can handle that. I'd love to help it be the best show it can, and I'll be happy to shoot my mouth off if someone wants my opinion. But then, who isn't.<br/><br/>"Hell, if they wanted me to, I'd be happy to write (or help write) a script. That would probably be a case of some poor intern carrying my weight, but what's life for if not to try new things!"<br/><br/>(taken from Jim Butcher's board on his website)For continuity purposes it's been advised to watch the show in original shooting order which goesfollows…<br/><br/>Storm Front,
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last edited 215 weeks ago by Rastverdota
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